Rudiments, 2024

Rudiments, 2024

Snare drum with drum stand, digital video and audio, instrument sound

Accents in the digital audio cause the snare drum to rattle physically. This piece fits well in the "videos" section of this site, but it's also a work of sculpture and sound.

Created with footage from the 2001 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, NBC.

Here is an excerpt from the 03:15 digital video, which is projected onto a marching snare drum.

Rudiments, 2024

Rudiments, 2024

Snare drum with drum stand, digital video and audio, instrument sound.

Created with footage from the 2001 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, NBC.

Here is an excerpt from the 03:15 digital video, which is projected onto a marching snare drum. Accents in the digital audio cause the snare drum to rattle physically.

Union, 2024

Union, 2024

Installation view. View the video here.

Union is a component of an installation in "Rough Notes: Pigs in the Sky," a collaborative exhibition at Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark in Birmingham, Alabama, September 2024.

Exhibition concept and research: Hugh Patton

Video: Melissa Yes

Images: Sloss employee badges from the organization's archives

Union, 2024

Union, 2024

Video still. View the video here.

Union is a component of an installation in "Rough Notes: Pigs in the Sky," a collaborative exhibition at Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark in Birmingham, Alabama, September 2024.

Exhibition concept and research: Hugh Patton

Video: Melissa Yes

Images: Sloss employee badges from the organization's archives

Belief, 2022

Belief, 2022

Digital video made to loop on a CRT TV. Produced in collaboration with an AI.

Watch the video here.

Finches, 2022

Finches, 2022

Finches is a digital video produced as part of a socially-engaged collaborative project. Directed by Melissa Yes and Todd Slaughter, production and videography by 1504, choreography by Fen Kennedy. Details here.

This video was originally the anchor for a multimedia installation in 2022 (as pictured here, with a viewer seated in the installation). After that exhibition, Slaughter and I have concluded that video is best suited as a stand-alone piece. We are now exhibiting Finches as a video only, and are developing new installations that are distinct from but connected to Finches. Slaughter and I have been directing and developing this research since 2018.

Click here to watch a brief excerpt from the 20-minute Finches video.

We say "bye"

We say "bye"

For Lynne

Digital video edited from found VHS footage, 1988. Created for display on a CRT TV. View here.

COYOTE, 2017

COYOTE, 2017

Digital video.

Created with a mix of original and appropriated content. Think of it as an essay. Watch here.

Mine! Mine! (things are backwards)

Mine! Mine! (things are backwards)

This is my first work of video art. It began as a sculpture. 2013.

The full video is a 22 minute piece of "slow art." Watch a tiny excerpt here.

It's All One Song

It's All One Song

It's all one song. Thank you, J.R. Thank you, Neil Young. Thank you,

The full video is an hour-long piece of "slow art." View a brief excerpt here.